Summer Transition Tips for Indoor Plants

If you’re like me you live in a region with distinct summers and winters, and when winter is over you like to send your plants to “summer camp” on an outdoor porch or patio. They love the fresh air, rain water, and sunshine. But what’s the best method for acclimating your plants to their new summer abode? Here are a few tips for getting your plants ready to go outside:



You need to be certain that your overnight lows will not be too low for tropical plants. Keep an eye on the weather forecast, and when in doubt, begin by taking your plants out to a shady area during the warm daytime hours and bringing them in at night.



Even plants that live in sunny windows aren’t used to be out directly in the sun. Make sure you start your plants in a shady area or one with dappled sunlight. The last thing you want is sunburns and scorched leaves. Bear in mind what sort of natural habitat your plant would inhabit in the wild, and try to find a spot that mimics it.



I often find watering trickier during the summer. I might think it’s super hot out and they’ll need a drink, when in reality it rained overnight and everyone is just fine! Make it a habit to check the weather and check on any plants that are staying outside full-time.


Pest Control

The potential for pests is a big concern for many hobbyists. When you’re checking your plants to see whether they need watering, you should make it a habit to check for pests as well. I like to keep a bottle of neem oil on hand to spray as a preventive measure. Avoid this with plants that are soaking up the sunshine, as it can be damaging to their leaves.

Image by Andreas from Pixabay



Whether you re-pot in spring/summer or when you bring your plants back in for fall is a matter of personal preference, but summer is a fine time to re-pot your babies who’ve outgrown their old homes.


Of course, eventually you’ll need to reverse the process to bring all of your plants back indoors for winter - you can check out our tips for transitioning back inside here. If you need more tips and tricks and you want to connect with plant people all over the world, come join us in our community on Mesh or our community on Facebook!
