Epipremnum Pinnatum 'Skeleton Key' Care

The Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Skeleton Key’ is a truly interesting looking Epipremnum that is thankfully gaining popularity. These climbing Aroids start out with leaves that resemble a Pothos (Epipremnum aureum), but once allowed to climb and mature, the leaves will transform. The part of the leaf closest to the stem will stay wide and rounded, while the rest will be a narrow strip, resembling a —you guessed it, skeleton key.


Potting Mix/Pot Size

The best type of potting mix for the ‘Skeleton Key’ is same as you would give any Aroid, a nice well draining organic mix that will neither dry out too quickly nor retain too much moisture. If you think that sounds a bit too vague, well have no fear! According to Rachel McLaughlin, who is well known for growing and selling the healthiest true Monstera obliqua specimens, as well as many other Aroids, 35% coir, 35% mulch, 15% charcoal, and 15% vermiculite is a good potting mix recipe to use.

When it comes to picking out a pot, choose one that is not too much larger than the root ball, but will provide enough room for the roots to grow. If you notice your ‘Skeleton Key’ slowing in growth, it is best to check the roots and make sure that it isn’t time to re-pot into a larger sized container. Also, it is a good idea to provide something for it to climb so you get to see the adult leaves that the plant was named for.



As with other Aroids, give these a good soak, but allow the potting mix to dry out between watering. They may be tropical plants, but they do not appreciate constant wet feet, and this will lead to root rot. At the same time, they also do not handle a potting mix that stays dry.

When it comes to fertilizing, you want to give them a weaker dose of a good quality fertilizer two or three times a year. I like to use a slow release type of organic fertilizer. Just remember not to put the fertilizer too close to the plant and do not use a cheap brand.



Although everyone knows that Epipremnum can tolerate lower light, it is best to provide them with bright filtered light. This just means that you should keep them out of direct sunlight so they don’t burn, but do not put them in a dark corner.

The ‘Skeleton Key’ will tolerate a normal household humidity level, but will more than likely appreciate a humidifier or pebble tray in the drier months. This especially goes for wintertime if you have your central heating on, as this dries out the air.


Want more tips and tricks from fellow Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Skeleton Key’ owners, share pictures of yours, or just want to talk to fellow plant lovers? Check out our global group of houseplant enthusiasts at House Plant Hobbyist on Facebook!

A special thank you to Rachel McLaughlin for the Aroid potting mix recipe and for the pictures of mature Epipremnum pinnatum ‘Skeleton Key’ cuttings!