House Plant Hobbyist Gift Guide 2019

It’s that time again… the holiday season is almost upon us. Whether you’re looking for gift ideas for a plant-loving friend or hoping to drop a few hints to your friends and family about what you’d like (we don’t blame you), we have some plant-related gift ideas that are sure to be a hit!

Moisture Meter

A good moisture meter can be indispensable when you’re trying to get it juuust right for your most finicky plants. It’s also a huge help for plants that are to large to do the “lift test” on, or if you’re just tired of sticking your finger into all of your pots. Likewise, a good hygrometer to measure your humidity levels can be a big help for anyone caring for tropical plants inside.


This seems like a no-brainer, but you can never have enough pots! All shapes, all sizes, plain terra cotta or pretty ceramic — who doesn’t need more pots? Even a gift card to a store that sells nice pots and other plant goodies is greatly appreciated.

Plant Clips

Clips are an often overlooked accessory that are incredibly useful. We’ve probably all got that one plant that needs a little extra support and have spent part of the afternoon digging through our supplies to see where our clips have gone, making these a thoughtful little gift for the plant enthusiast in your life.

Moss Poles

Moss poles or trellises are wonderful accessories for climbing plants, and both are projects you can craft yourself or purchase from a store, depending on your level of DIY inclination.

Potting Medium

I don’t know about you, but if someone gave me a gift-wrapped bag of orchid bark or horticultural charcoal, I’d be pretty thrilled. When you’re mixing up your own potting medium and have a lot of plants, you run through supplies like crazy.

Pruning Shears

Photo credit: shrinkin'violet on Visual Hunt / CC BY

Nice, sharp secateurs are a must! Snipping old or damaged foliage away with the kitchen scissors is no good for your plants or your scissors. Better to have a dedicated pair of shears for grooming your plants.

Propagation Station

This is a great gift idea because they can be store bought, or handmade for a truly personalized present anyone would love. It’s also easy to thrift interesting vases, jars, and other old glassware to upcycle a unique propagation station!

Grow Lights

A must have for those of us in cold, dreary climates during the winter — and therefore always a welcome midwinter gift. There are so many on the market to choose from that you’re sure to find some to suit any budget.

Plant Stands

Much like pots, you can never have too many plant stands. This is a great option if you like to DIY and can build one yourself, or if you like to thrift and refinish or paint an old side table for a personal plant stand. If you’re into thrift shopping, finding unique items to re-purpose and upcycle into plant stands is another great way to find the perfect planty gift.


Photo credit: Joe Shlabotnik on Visual hunt / CC BY

If you live in a cold climate and have the heat on all winter, a humidifier can save your tropical plants from a crunchy demise. From the most basic to the fancier models, there are humidifiers to suit any budget and any room in the house — including some that are just plain adorable (like the pictured penguin)!

Pot Decorations


If you know someone with a sense of whimsy who likes to decorate their plant shelves or pots, finding cute pot decorations is a great way to give a fun, personal gift. Cute figurines, sparkly hanging crystals — the only limit to this idea is your imagination.


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Need we say more? If you know someone with a plant “wish list” you already have the best gift ideas at your fingertips! If you’re in a colder climate, gift cards to nurseries for use when the weather warms up are always a good idea.

Looking for more inspiration for plant goodies to gift? Head over to HPH on Facebook to chat with our global community of plant people!