Philodendron 'Snowdrift' Care

Phildendron ‘snowdrift’ is a beautiful plant which may be a variegated form of P. ‘jungle fever’ — which, as far as we’re aware, is a hybrid of P. pinnatifidum and P. gigantum. What we know for sure is that snowdrift produces beautiful foliage and is a relatively non-fussy, easy to care for Philodendron to add to your collection.

The new leaves unfurl with a white or cream color with green flecks and red petioles, and turn a dusty green as they age. They’re a bit slow-growing, but each new leaf is definitely worth the wait.


Temperature & Humidity

Like many of our other favorite Philodendrons, snowdrift will tolerate normal household temperatures fairly well. Don’t let it dip below 55°F. If you live in a dry area or somewhere with cold winters, you may need to boost your humidity.


Potting Mix

The potting mix I use is orchid bark, horticultural charcoal, perlite, a little chopped sphagnum moss, and a dash of organic potting soil. You want something light and fluffy that drains well while retaining a little bit of moisture.



I let the potting mix dry out a bit between watering, then give it a good soak until the water is running out of the drainage hole. I pot most of my plants, even moisture-loving plants, in terra cotta which wicks away excess moisture. Most guides will tell you to back off on watering during winter, but definitely keep in mind the humidity and temperature in your house and what sort of pot you’re using — you may find that your situation requires a little more water than you’d think.


Find your snowdrift a spot with bright indirect or filtered light. Direct sunlight will end up scorching the beautiful foliage, so if you have a very bright window a sheer curtain can help protect your plants. If you’re putting P. snowdrift outside for the summer, make sure you find a sheltered spot — under the canopy of a larger tree is good.

Do you have more questions or are looking for more plant inspiration, information, or pictures? Want to show off your own Philodendron “snowdrift,” other plants, or just talk with like-minded people from across the globe? Check out HPH on Facebook to join our global community of plant lovers! 🌱