House Plant Hobbyist

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Plant Projects Around the House

Hey there, House Plant Hobbyists. We know this is a crazy time for so many of us, and the HPH team hopes that all of you are safe and well out there. The admin team is hard at work approving and monitoring posts as so many of you are staying home, keeping safe and connecting over the internet. Even though we have the group to keep us busy we’re still looking for fun things to do to around the house, so we thought we’d share our ideas with you all!

Propagate Your Plants

Since we may not be able to get out and go plant shopping, this is a great time to start propagating plants! Grow a new baby from your favorite plant, start new plants to share with friends when this is all over, or - if you have kids - use propagation as an impromptu science lesson. Set up cuttings in different potting mediums and grab a notebook to record your predictions about which will grow best - watch the growth and take notes.

Reorganize and Style Plant Shelves & Rooms

Cleaning and organizing can be no fun - unless you’re cleaning and organizing your plants. If your leaves are dusty, now’s the time! Grab a very soft cloth and some lukewarm water and gently clean off foliage. With clean scissors, trim off any dead leaves. Or, just start rearranging! Use this time to style your plant shelves, corners, and rooms - and share a photo of the results with us over in the group!

Photo credit: Doug Beckers on VisualHunt / CC BY-SA

Start Seeds

If you’ve got outdoor flower or veggie seeds, you can start them inside now. Things like tomatoes, pumpkins, peppers, and lettuce are seeds that can be started inside to get a head start on the gardening season. This is another good project to do with kids — have them help plant the seeds and record their observations of the growth.

Paint Pots

If you’re feeling artsy, or are just bored with the same old pots, start painting. Not only is it fun to do, painted pots add character to your plants. This is another kid-friendly project and makes a great keepsake. If you have plain terra cotta pots, acrylic craft paints, and clear spray acrylic or some other sealant you’re good to go!

Try Your Hand at Botanical Art

Have you run out of pots to paint? Time to ransack the house for paper and colored pencils, crayons, watercolors - whatever you’ve got. Pick your favorite plant and sit down to paint (or draw) its portrait. Paint your plant in the style of Monet, Picasso, or even vintage botanical plates — the possibilities are endless and this is another simple project that’s fun for kids as well as grown-ups.

If you want more ideas for plant projects to do around the house, join our global community of plant people HPH on Facebook!