House Plant Hobbyist

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Plant Projects Around the House Part 2

If you’re going a little crazy being housebound — well, we are too. That’s why we’ve been brainstorming plenty of plant projects to keep ourselves occupied. Check out our first round of plant projects here!

Plant Photography

Taking great photos of your plants can be relaxing and rewarding — who doesn’t love a closeup of a gorgeous variegated leaf or a new bloom? But, uh, since we’re all feeling a little silly at this point you may also want to consider things like the #petplantchallenge that members started in HPH. Got a tiny plant? Got a pet? Take the challenge and post the (often hilarious) results over in the group!

Create Plant Tags

If you’ve got popsicle sticks and different colored sharpies, or other craft materials, and you’ve always meant to label your plants, now’s your chance. We’re not even opposed to breaking out the glitter for this one. There are no limits. And if you’re not sure about an ID for one of your plant babies, head on over to the HPH Facebook group to ask!

Create a Custom Care Guide

Whether it’s for your own reference or to help a plant-sitter, a custom care guide for your plants can be a huge help. For the extra crafty among us, this is also a great chance to show off arts and crafts skills — but if you’re feeling more utilitarian all you need is a template, a hole punch, and an old three ring binder to get started!

Decorate Your Pots

While we’ve suggested painting your own pots, plenty of people love to customize their plants by adding small figurines, crystals, shells, etc. If you’re cleaning and organizing the rest of your house and wondering what to do with some of the things you’ve discovered (we feel it), get creative with ways to decorate your plants!

Upcycle Household Items

We’ve talked about upcycling before (here, and here — and here) but it’s worth taking another look. If you’ve exhausted every recipe you know and resorted to takeout or delivery, put those plastic dishes to work for your plants! Old cake domes or other clear plastic containers can make great impromptu humidity chambers for finicky plants.

If you want to share your own plant projects or look for more inspo, check out HPH on Facebook to join our global community of plant lovers!