House Plant Hobbyist

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Bird of Paradise Care

The Bird of Paradise is a member of the family Strelitziaceae, related to and sometimes mistaken for a banana plant. If you like big plants with big leaves that are sure to make a big impression Strelitzia is a great addition to your indoor jungle! There are two varieties: Strelitzia nicolai (the white Bird of Paradise) and Strelitzia reginae (the variety with orange blooms). Let’s take a look at care for these impressive plants!

Hardyplants at English Wikipedia, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons


These South African natives enjoy a lot of bright light. A southern or western exposure window will suit them down to the ground. They will adapt to and tolerate lower light, but for a thriving Bird of Paradise try to find a nice, bright spot.


They like to be moist, but they don’t enjoy sitting in soggy soil — that’s always an invitation to root rot and heartbreak. Allow the first few inches of potting medium to dry out before watering during the winter months.

Photo credit: Jungle Garden on Visual Hunt / CC BY

Temperature & Humidity

Your Bird of Paradise should be just fine in normal household temperatures. Try to keep it out of drafts from heat or air conditioning vents. If your house is very dry, for example during the winter with heat running, you may want to invest in a humidifier for your plants.


These plants prefer a rich, well-draining potting mix that can still retain some moisture. My personal mix includes organic soil, orchid bark, perlite, and horticultural charcoal — my Bird of Paradise seems to dig it, especially because the mix it came in was almost all soil and it was soaking. Your Bird of Paradise will appreciate a well-balanced indoor plant fertilizer during the growing season.

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